“Making a positive change, for teenagers grappling ​with emotional and mental health issues.”

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“I don’t want to die, I just can’t live like this anymore.”

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Did you know....


prescribed for children have hit one million

Rising from 6,000 in 2022

to 173,000

One in ten

19 year olds

are taking antidepressants

And one in 300 children aged 13 have been prescribed them

83% of young people with

mental health


agreed that the pandemic had made their mental health worse

Who we are...

We are a dedicated Community Interest Company, based in Littleborough, Lancashire.

Our team are deeply committed to aiding teenagers who are grappling with emotional and ​psychological challenges such as self-harm, extreme anxiety, suicidal thoughts and depression.

Crafted with care by our certified therapist specialising in trauma, our resilience program offers ​invaluable support through individual counselling, group therapy, and educational sessions ​tailored for teenagers suffering with mental health issues. Our primary goal is to be the beacon of ​hope for these teens who often find themselves struggling and feel like they have no one to turn to.

At our core, we strive to cultivate a secure and nurturing environment, empowering young ​individuals to overcome their challenges, foster resilience, and cultivate the essential skills for ​leading healthy and fulfilling lives. We firmly believe that this program has the potential to create ​profound positive change in the lives of these teenagers, setting them on a path towards a brighter ​and more promising future.

What we offer

Our resilience program is designed to “Bridge the Gap” between suffering and ​alternative help available. We address a range of emotional and psychological ​concerns faced by teenagers in crisis. It will include:

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HappyMe App

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“Working together, to create a positive change”

On average one in five teens suffer from a mental health disorder

Mental health disorders have a significant impact on daily life & well being

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health condition to affect teenagers

“Prescribing antidepressants to 5-12 year old increased by more than 40% between 2015 and 2021

the pharmaceutical journal revealed”

Our Services

  • One-on-One Therapy Sessions: Each participant will have access to individual therapy sessions with licensed therapists specialising in adolescent mental health. These sessions will provide personalised attention and therapeutic techniques tailored to the unique needs of each teenager.
  • Group Therapy: Regular group therapy sessions will foster a sense of community and belonging among participants. Sharing experiences and coping strategies in a group setting can significantly enhance the healing process.
  • Educational Group Lessons: Workshops and lessons will cover topics such as emotional regulation, communication skills, stress management, and building self-esteem. These lessons will empower teenagers with the tools they need to navigate challenges more effectively.
  • Parental Support Classes: Group support sessions designed to provide valuable information and expert guidance on teenage mental health. Gaining a deeper understanding and better support system for your child. Sharing fears, successes, and experiences in a supportive community. Together, we build a network of hope for parents and teenagers.

the first step to a new you

Are you a Teen Lives Teenager?

If you are:

  • Experiencing suicidal thoughts
  • Suffering with depression or extreme anxiety
  • Living with severe panic attacks
  • Inflicting dangerous self harm


Our certified therapist, Melanie Drameh, who has over 10 years experience as a qualified NLP Practitioner, Life coach, IEMT Practitioner & Mentor, specialises in trauma removal, depression & anxiety.

Please note: All children must be accompanied by a parent / guardian or a responsible adult with parental permission due to safe guarding .

PROGRAM results

From the children on the Cedar group who came to us self-harming and experiencing anxiety attacks:

100% no longer engage in self-harm behaviours.

90% have reported a huge reduction in panic attacks claiming that they now know how to handle them better. Most students have reported them stopping completely.

100% have reported their self-esteem and confidence has improved.


Amy before & after

I struggled finding my way in life and feeling a bit lost sometimes. I needed guidance and I reached out to Mell a couple of years ago when life wasn’t really going my way. After my first session with her I started to feel a lot better. She taught me many skills, but most importantly that the relationship with myself will always be the most important one. This improved my life in so many ways. I now walk with confidence and purpose. My joy for life has massively improved and a huge part of that is because of Mell and the work we do. Hiring Mell as my life coach is one of the best decisions and investments I’ve ever made. Her insights are invaluable and I will take her knowledge and use it indefinitely. I would recommend her to anyone looking to move forward in their lives in an independent and empowered way. - (Amy)

“I don’t really have panic attacks anymore.” (LB Student)

I felt lost, trapped, didn’t even know who I was anymore or who I wanted to be. I stopped being able to fit in at school and lost my friends. Then I felt alone and so down. Just sad all of the time but that wasn’t the worst thing. The worst thing was feeling disconnected, like I wasn’t really me in my body anymore.

I had got used to feeling numb and bad and my panic attacks were really embarrassing. I just thought that nobody will ever be able to help me.

My mum eventually talked me into therapy with Melanie. I knew she couldn’t help me, nobody could. I went to shut my Mum up. After the first session, I felt different but couldn’t really put my finger on it. Lighter maybe. Then after a few more sessions I began to feel more myself. I started to join in with friends again and answer their messages. The world looked brighter and I noticed things that I hadn’t seen in a long time. Honestly, get help, see Mell, I am now a better version of myself than I have ever been, I have friends, I go out again. I have even started Uni. I thought that nobody could ever help me and it’s the only time that I will ever admit that I was wrong. Thanks Mell, Millie X

“C_____ seems happier in herself, smiling more. She’s not as isolated and is interacting more.” 29.02.2024 ST (Parent)

I’m happier now, I’m laughing again.” (JT Student)

“My attendance has gone up from 84% to 92%” (LB Student)

“I am going out more and actually leaving the house” 17.02.2024 (Anon feedback (Student)

“I have been better talking to people, I can focus more in school, and I’ve been better at coping with things.” 23.03.34 Anon feedback (Student)

“I don’t panic as much at school, and when I do I know how to handle it.” 23.03.2024 NR (Student)

“I am much happier and confident, it makes my life easier.” 17.02.2024 Anon feedback (Student)

“I come out of my room more and go to family gatherings.” 23.03.2024 NR (Student)

“I have started staying behind to do more schoolwork and I am starting to like school a bit more.” 23.03.2024 JT (Student)

“This course has helped me deal with things overall, and from today I will remember how important it is to set goals in order to see a successful future for myself.” 23.03.24 CT (Student)

“I now go to sleep earlier, and my panic attacks have reduced massively.” 09.03.24 LB (Student)

“I find it easier to switch my mood now.” 17.02.2024 Anon feedback (Student)

“The thing that has changed the most is my mindset and being more positive.” 24.02.2024 Anon feedback (Student)

“I’ve been able to cope more with stress and anxiety over exams.” 24.02.2024 Anon feedback (Student)

“My thought processing has improved, I find it easier to recognise negative thoughts and switch them.” 24.02.2024 JP (Student)

“I do extra hours after school activities” (child who didn’t attend before) - (JT Student)

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Sladen Wood​ Mill

Todmorde​n Road


Lancashire OL15 9EW​

Tel: 07852 846 063


Registered ​Company No: 15128148

Office Hours

by appointment only

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all Our teenagers get 28 days free subscription ​to our happy me app

Can you help support teenagers?

raising funds

We want to offer as many free places as possible, and aim to offer our services Nationwide soon. We welcome all kinds of fund raising ideas, please get in touch to show your support.

making a donation

All donations big or small can help make a huge difference to a child’s life. You can donate via our GoFund me page or if you are wanting to sponsor a child or a program please email us to arrange.


If you cannot offer a donation but want to help, we have volunteer positions available. These include: Bid writing, research, admin, therapists roles, leaflet distribution and raising awareness.


our official opening day...

Was supported by the delightful Mayor & Mayoress of Rochdale, who shared some lovely words, and offered us their sincere support!


Our therapy sessions and group classes have had some amazing success stories, and we are delighted to announce that Rochdale Communities Fund have granted us some vital funding to assist with making these sessions happen!

Our lead therapist has received a Community hero award from Rochdale Parent Carers Voice at their 21st birthday.


We had a filmed interview with David Tully who is running for Rochdale MP to discuss childrens mental health issues


Our two qualified first aiders completed some vital training here at the TLM hub.


And we are so grateful to have been awarded funding from the National Lottery Community Fund